Monday, January 21, 2008

Tyvek beads

here is my first attempt today making Tyvek beads

in the first photo the middle bead has not been hit with the heat gun yet

I had 2 that didn't work, 3 so so and here are the rest that I think were fairly successful

what I learnt today to try different next time

* don't leave any white spots on the paper as that scorches before it wrinkles
* maybe thicker paint
* only a dab of glue on the end and let dry before heating as that bit doesn't distort if still wet
* and maybe it's time to think about a camera that will take better close ups


Anonymous said...

Janine, these look great! I use regular school glue, by the way.

Dale Anne Potter said...

These looks FABULOUS!

As far as a camera, does your camera have a MACRO setting, that is what is used for closeups.

Nikki said...

These are great. They look like fun to make and play with.