Thursday, January 10, 2008

Callan grows up

here's my big boy Callan, who turns 18 next week doing his first week of shows at Bass Hill Plaza with The Leaping Loonies, there is still shows tomorrow (Friday) at 11 & 1 if anyone is in the vicinity

that's DH Tim in the middle and Daniel on the other side


Pennie said...

Sorry not possible, those two men can't be the two little boys I remember meeting a few years ago! and... What have you done to Tim??

Janine Matthews said...

hey Pennie, maybe I didn't word that clearly, Callan on the left, Tim in the middle and Daniel is one of the other Loonies on the right - is that better

Michelle Watters said...

What have you been feeding that child!

Pennie said...

Phew! LOL that is so funny... yes you did have me aghast at what I thought was Tim in the middle of his two sons!! LOLOL