Monday, January 21, 2008


Yesterday I had a bit of a play and painted a piece of Lutradur and Tyvek.

I'm experimenting and wanting to cut these into strips and roll them up and make beads.
First hiccup, I should have laid the Lutradur on a piece of fabric not paper as it dried and glued itself to the paper and I couldn't get it off, so I went with the flow and did some stitching on the two layers,
Here is the before

and here it is after stitching, I actually like this piece and a bit reluctant to cut it up, maybe it needs to be framed.

I used up the leftover paint on the Tyvek

Now I'm not sure what to do next, I know I cut the strips tapered and roll them but don't know whether I glue them first or what I do before I hit the Tyvek with the heat gun and don't know if I can hit the Lutradur with heat or not.
If I don't use glue how do I keep the strip rolled up before heating?

Any advise or suggestions greatly appreciated.
Any blogs/websites that might have tutorial on them?

1 comment:

Judy said...

Hi Janine,
When I paint lutradur, I either hang it up to dry (then it runs and can either look really cool or not so cool!) or I leave it flat on a piece of wax paper, and then it doesn't stick.
I love your beads! Thanks for sharing.