Thursday, January 29, 2009

my garden

I'm getting in early today, even before I have breakfast.

this is what greeted me yesterday morning, a beautiful lily in the pond on the back verandah, every time I tried to take a photo the fish hid under a leaf

can anyone tell me what this bird is?
we think it's a Butcher Bird but it doesn't look exactly like the one in my book, so I'm not sure, I was talking to it in my yard then it swooped down at my toes then flew off - don't know it it thought they were worms..........

while I'm on birds, this is one of many glorious King Parrots that live in my friend Lorraine's back yard

and this is what happens when you leave your camera sitting on your table and your husband comes in and takes your photo without you realising till you down load the photos.............

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