Tuesday, March 4, 2008

new sculpture pieces

Last week was a bit of a whirlwind after arriving back from Melbourne on Monday night then it was straight back to art school for 3 days and thrown in the mix we had a doosie of a thunderstorm that blew up our router on the computers so was without the essential "outside" contact for a couple of days, so this week I'm trying to get back on track and hopefully will even get back to doing my Scaterdays on Saturdays.
I'm off to Sculpture class shortly which I now do Tuesdays and Wednesdays with Painting on Thursday mornings so here are the 2 pieces that I'm currently working on, this piece is chair legs that were rescued off local street clean up piles - other peoples rubbish mmmmmmmmmmmmm
may put some colour to dull down or brighten up some of the light cut ends

I bought a bag full of Barbies recently at a Trash n Treasure market along with blocks and this great clock face, not sure if this is how it will stay or if I will add more arms and legs....... but she has been hanging under the clock in our sculpture studio for the last week so I'll be interested to see what the reactions have been

I thought it was easy to pull arms and legs off dolls - not this baby, I had to put her in the vice and saw her legs off


Anonymous said...

Now this is a teeny bit scarey. How is Gladys doing? Have her call me, okay? Or post a photo with her holding today's newspaper. Okay? I mean, what you are doing to this Barbie's legs ... makes me wonder about the safety of poor defenseless frogs with very long legs. You're not fond of frogs' legs, are you?

Janine Matthews said...

she was supervising the operation........

Helen said...

Love it! the clock face looks like one of those turntable cutting mats. Did Barbie take up quilting?