Wednesday, May 2, 2007

A successful day

Today I've had one of those days that we long for but don't often get, only dream of.

I started the day reading my mail then got stuck into doing some homework, tomorrow in printmaking we start on lino printing and need to have a black and white drawing ready to transfer to the lino block to start the long process of cutting.
I'd narrowed my photos down to 3 and decided that this one of a plant on my back verandah would be the easiest for me to draw in a black and white drawing, I almost felt guilty taking the time to leisurely draw and colour in.
So here's my drawing and also the photo for you to compare, I've always loved taking photos of everything and anything but just starting to appreciate and utilise this valuable resource.

Mid morning it was off to the chiropractor to straighten out a few kinks in my neck from the several long sessions spent at the machine last week finishing my quilt in time for it's competition deadline.
It is a lovely sunny day today not to hot and the drive home was enjoyable, the escarpment and the paddocks look green and lush from the recent rain, even the cows had a smile on their faces.

Back home I was able to finish off my drawing and painted the background so now it's ready for tomorrow safely in my folder.
I'm teaching tonight and on Friday and it's always a last minute rush to write up or photocopy notes but they're all done and I still have 2 hours before I need to leave the house - it's amazing what a reprieve from deadlines or a day without stress can do.
The only thing that I didn't get to but still may have time to is bring my books up to date for school, when I told my boys this morning that I had to spend the day doing homework and getting my books up to date , they roared with laughter......
Better go and hang out the load of washing that I put in the machine hours ago, but first - I think I need another cup of tea.......cheers

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