Wednesday, May 23, 2007

exciting news.....

I have some exciting news to share with you all, some of you would have heard through other sources and it has taken me a while to absorb the news enough to be able to put it out to the world here, I'm not good at blowing my own trumpet.

drum roll........I won the Down Under Quilts 2008 Calendar comp, the theme was "My Secret Garden", and my quilt "Late Bloomer' will be on the front cover of the 2008 Calender, so I definitely can't show you a photo until the Calendar is launched in a few months time, but I'll definitely proudly show it when I can.


MG Quilts said...

J9, big time happy dance at my house for you and your big win.

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!

Helen said...

Janine, that is a great effort. Congratulations and well done! What a thrill for you. I have this year's calendar next to my computer and will be buying th next one!