Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Reclaiming my life Day 3

not a lot to report today, started the day off in a good positive mood, I always start off my day in the shower to warm up my bones so I can function and let the shower gods take control and sort out my thoughts for the day, a lot of my major decisions have been made in the shower! I've come up with a few new plans that I need to investigate some more before revealing anything but putting out some feelers with friends in Perth for when I move, will keep you posted on what they are when the time comes.
Had a lovely lunch catch up with my girlfriend Nic then spent the afternoon running around doing errands and sorting paperwork, all of this paperwork keeps getting in the way of me sorting and packing and some days feel like I'm getting nowhere fast so hopefully tomorrow I can start to make another dent in the kaos.

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