Saturday, August 18, 2007

Up coming Classes

These are the classes coming up at The Quilters Garden in Albion Park (South Coast NSW)

"Ziggy the Zygo" quilt
This is a 2 day class, in the first class you learn how to make a dry felted centre piece and the second class you make the wall hanging base with basic curved piecing techniques
Sat 15th September, 10 - 3 $30, second date TBA

"Silk Paper Bowls"
In this class you will make a piece of silk paper then incorporate it into a fabric bowl, this is a very addictive and fun class
Sat 13th October, 10 - 3 $30

Have fun learning to make Japanese braids
Wed 3rd October, 10 - 12 $20

Have fun making a piece of silk paper decorated to suit you and go home with it in a frame
Wed 10th October, 10 - 12 $20

1 comment:

Waterfall Manor quilts said...

Yo J9..madge and I will see you for the silk paper day we are booked in..should be heaps of fun..will you send us a list of stuff we need to bring..cheers Pat...hope ya backs feeling better..