Monday, August 6, 2007

My birthday week

Well I've had a busy few days, my birthday was on Saturday and my father in law Terry's birthday is the day before mine so we always have a joint cake, my sister in law came down to stay for a few days for the birthdays as the in-laws live with us, she cooked dinner and a cake which she decorated with violets from our garden.

Saturday I had to work but if your going to have to work on your birthday what better place to work but in a quilt shop with a class going on full of friends and they bought me a cake.

Sunday Nic and I went off for our painting day at the Tullumbah Inn, lovely morning sitting in the sun painting, it was just a touch windy but we coped, the paintings were then hung in the restaurant for the month where we then all had a fab lunch.
This is my painting, I laid down textured papers with PVA glue before I started painting then added more papers after and some twigs and bark from the surrounds, unfortunately the glue hadn't dried when I took the photo but when I get it back I'll take another photo as it was also hung up high and me being height challenged couldn't get a good photo of it.

This is the painting of the Inn that was voted the winner of the day and I bought it for my birthday, well Tim you are always away for my birthday and gee you always buy me great presents - then I tell you about them later.........

1 comment:

The Leaping Loonies said...

Hey Janine ! I wish I was there to eat your cake

- Some guy in The Netherlands