Saturday, November 24, 2007

a stolen moment

I've just had a play with my embellishing machine, I am having withdrawals from sewing/creating with all of the build up to assessment at school over the last month.
My lounge and dining rooms have art supplies, drawings and sculptures and all of the stuff that go with it everywhere and I've been trying to make some sense of it all before I start on anything but with the embellishing machine sitting in the middle of the all of the kaos on the table, I couldn't control the urge any longer.
So I've had a play with some wool tops and Angelina, so now I'm happy and can face trying to find some nooks and crannies to hide everything in.

This will be turned into a "cup cuff" maybe later today, though I have to go out to vote soon and then have a meeting to go to so it may not be till tomorrow.

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