Now here's a question for you, how many ants does it take to interrupt an afternoon in the studio??????
Had started on a couple of block samples before turning my attention to the borders on the quilt and had turned the heater on, had cut a few strips and heard what I thought was the rain on the outside of the air conditioning unit then remembered there is now a roof over the back end of the studio so the rain couldn't be tapping on the unit, I turned around to look at the unit on the wall making this really bizarre noise and there was this black rain coming out of it all over my ironing board and me, ants make quiet a lot of noise when they land.
--- Now I'll really have to clean my studio up.........
eep. I was staying in the granny flat at my brother's place a few years ago, and (after I griped about pesky ants) we sprayed all the wall cavities etc from outside. An hour or so later I was sitting inside and started hearing this RAIN ... never seen anything like it. Hope not to again, ugh.
Ich! Not a happy experience. I am not phobic about insects generally except when they occur in plague numbers!
Eek! Ant attack!
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