Thursday, July 3, 2008


Have had a good few days of sewing and finished a quilt top and also a few bowls, will post photos of them soon.
We have been having nasty damaging winds all week and when I went out yesterday morning to do a fence check before I let the dog out I discovered a few branches down up the back, I'm so glad one of our back neighbours cut down a huge tree in their yard a few months ago as I recon it would have reached my studio if it had come down our way.

Now this is a photo I feel a bit thingy about showing but here it is anyway..........
Prior to going to Perth we were having trouble with mice and no amount of traps or baits were getting rid of them, I thought I had them under control but it's amazing what damage a little mother to be can do in a sock draw, she shredded my very old draw liners and took rubbish from my bedside bin and also shredded a whole lot of Spanish reviews that my husband had been keeping in a box under the bed, luckily I caught her before she gave birth.

I went into my room to clean out my sock draw and got carried away and went through all of my draws and wardrobe and filled up 6 bags of clothes to go to the Op Shop.
There were a lot of pants that I was hoping to get back into and all of those shirts and jumpers that you can't bear to part with, out they went - so I'm feeling quiet virtuous as my house has gotten out of control and hasn't had a good clean out for years, I had my hips replaced 3 years ago and not much got done leading up to that and then things have just built up since so these holidays I intend to make a dent in the house and try and declutter and do a bit of personal housekeeping and not hang onto things - don't panic Tim I'll hang onto you.

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