Saturday, June 28, 2008

Student roundup

Yesterday was an enjoyable day spent at Horsley Patch in Horsley Park NSW, teaching a class, this was day 2 of Spinning Flowers and below is the 3 lovely pieces produced, 2 of the 3 ladies have decided to do another set of flowers to extend it to a single bed size so that is why the borders didn't go on, that is my sample in the foreground and look how the pattern changes when you turn the block on point.
Visit the website and if you get a chance call in, Linda has some great fabrics that I haven't seen in other places.

I thought seeing as I was showing some students work from yesterday I would show a few pieces from some of my other classes.

I do a monthly "Fun with Fibre" class at the Quilters Garden in Albion Park NSW and here are a few pieces.
2 lovely faux felted scarves drying on the bike rack.

Chris is our over achiever, she decided she didn't want to make a scarf and made 2 square faux felted pieces and made this cute little vest for her 2yo grand daughter.

I also have a Monday night group at The Quilters Garden where the ladies work on a few different projects, they usually start off on the row x row quilt and learn to become proficient with their cutting and piecing, this one was made by Mas and has just recently been delivered to a niece in Perth.

Now I'm heading out to my studio - TO DO SOME SEWING, sorry to yell, I haven't sat down at my machine to just sew for ME for a couple of months, it's all been samples for classes or projects squeezed in between working at the shows

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