Monday, October 8, 2007

what I've been up to

sorry I haven't posted for a while, I've been bum up and head down getting a couple of pieces done with a Friday deadline, then Saturday I worked at the shop and had a great day as Nic was teaching a class and yesterday I watched the cars go round the race track while I rested ready for a busy week.

this is a peep at the corner of the piece that I entered into a competition that has a trip to Houston as the prize, fingers crossed.

and here is the bottom corner of the piece I've entered into a juried exhibition, it has silk paper and faux felt pieces with just a few beads

my week ahead -
tonight I teach a class, Tues - a sewing day with a few friends, Wed - kids class making silk paper, Thur - free woohoo, Fri - a trip down the coast with my sons to visit friends, Sat a class (adults) making silk paper then making it into a bowl then Sun I mentally regroup and get ready for the next week, and somewhere in there I need to do some catchup drawings for school as we go back next week, so I'd better got off here and start working on tonight's notes.

1 comment:

Nola said...

Wow, busy busy! Love the two works - look forward to seeing "proper" photos when you can.

Hey, remember: "blogging without obligation" - there's a button for it on my blog. It means no need to apologise if you don't post as often as you'd like. Sometimes what you do, you can't share yet; sometimes life intervenes. But after all, blogging is for fun, so no guilt should get in the act!