Today I went up to Sydney where I teach once a month, caught the train up as the weather was threatening to turn nasty, I was able to catch up on some paper work and some crocheting on the trip, it takes a lot longer than driving but more relaxing and I even get to have a snooze on the way back as I have such an early start, talking about early starts, I will let you have a laugh at my expense.......
I have these great Indian summer shirts, 3 different colours of the one style with embroidery and sequins across the chest that look fabo with my green jeans with the blue and orange flowers, driving to the station at 7am my chest was a little scratchy under my seat belt, had a scratch and didn't think any more about it, taught for 3 hours and back on the train heading home, just before I get off the train I always get my car keys out of my bag and put them in my pocket so I don't have to fight for them as I get to the car, so out the keys come and I casually slide my hand down to put them in the pocket on my shirt and couldn't get them in and discovered the pockets had disappeared and so had all of the sequins ------- there is a lot to be said for good quality french seams and small label, they look just as good on the outside .........
I'm not a morning person and shouldn't be allowed to dress myself at that silly hour
Tomorrow I'm teaching a Hidden Wells class for The Illawarra Quilters, here's some samples I've been making this arvo, doesn't Lisa Walton's orange make the blocks sing
let's hope I have better luck dressing myself in the morning
Had to laugh about the inside out top. I have a 2 pairs of shoes the same style, one pair dark navy, one pair black. Wore one of each out to a business meeting once. Wondered why I was getting peculiar looks! LOL
J9 well done and to think nobody commented..must send them some Pat pills..they diminish your tack to nil so your students may atleast notice and tell you," hey miss did you get dressed in the dark this morning",.... could have been worse you may have worn hubbies Pat..and your right how
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