Thursday, July 16, 2009

DYAD part 2

finally, blogger allowed my photos to upload, I've tried many many times over the past few days even with different photos, don't know why I thought that may have worked but you try anything when technology is against you,
so here is Part 2 of DYAD
I thought I'd show some quilts and mixed media pieces in this posting.

I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
(sorry I listen to to much old music while I sew)

Fireball - Faux Felted centre with mother of pearl buttons

Mixed Media #2 - beading on distressed needle felted silk fabric with silk rods, seracin fibre and silk cocoons on a canvas

Mixed Media #1 - beading and hand quilting on distressed needle felted fabrics on a canvas

The Silk Trail - beading on faux felt with silk cocoons on a canvas


Banaghaisge said...

Ah thank you for the pics J9. It all looks wonderful, and I like the recycled timber bits too. A good contrast to the textiles.
Wish we could have made it - give us more warning for the next Opening Night.

ARC said...

Your work is stunning - thank you for showing it to us.

cinzia said...

Love your first quilt in particular.. your colours as always are quite spectacular

Frou said...

Love the colours and 3 dimensional bibs and bobs, and the felting in particular.

Julie said...

Such inspiration! You are a very talented woman!