my computer died many weeks ago and the wonderful technician was able to save most of the info in it's brains and transfer it over to my new laptop but unfortunately I've lost all of my email contacts and that is a slow process to collect them again.
I was also having some troubles getting my blogger dash board up so I could post and I just found it, so I don't feel so much in limbo, now all I have to do is get Twitter sorted out again and I'll be right.
I've been very busy while I've been away from here, a quick trip to Brisbane to work the Textile Show, home for a week then up to Sydney to work the Quilt and Craft Show then back into the sculpture studio to finish off pieces ready for my exhibition in just over a week.
Today is my first day at home for 2 weeks so finally unpacking the suitcase that's been on the lounge all week and trying to wash with it now raining and getting very cold again which isn't helping the paint dry on the boxes I have sitting patiently on the table.
Anyway I must get back to work as I still have a lot of fibre work to finish off, maybe a cuppa will help warm up the hands.
Here is the invitation to my exhibition, would be lovely to see you there, if you're not a local Wollongong is a beautiful place to visit where the glorious escarpment meets the ocean, the train trip down from Sydney is spectacular especially if you sit on the left as the train line hugs the coast.