Thursday, December 27, 2007

christmas goodies

here are a few of the goodies I got for christmas

I got a drill from my husband Tim, and yes I did want this it wasn't one of those presents that husbands really buy for themselves, this is a small one just the right size for me and will live inside with my art stuff, he also gave me my own saw

Can anyone guess what this is?

did anyone guess? yes it's a pencil roll that my friend Nic made for me for my pencils

and my SIL gave me this great book

so, I think they cover a few basics, what do you think?

1 comment:

Waterfall Manor quilts said...

Great present J9..I am always excited to rec'v my own tools because you always know where they out in the middle of the back yard some place...Dremmels are great and hot air guns..loved your sculpture also..well done... I got a MIG welder for my 50th birthday..guess who uses that the most..cya..Pat Happy New Year to ya and the family.xx